Leadership OU Pays Visit to CARROT

CARROT received a special visit this week from the participants of Leadership OU, a student-alumni program at Oakland University.
CARROT Founder & CEO Michael Antaran, who received his Master’s Degree in Engineering from OU, spent two hours with the students, recounting his professional journey from the auto industry to the world of high tech and sharing his “lessons learned” – along with a few tips for making successful mobile apps.
Leadership OU provides leadership, mentoring, and networking opportunities for undergraduate students by connecting them to successful Oakland University alumni. Participants are part of a cohort experience spanning an eight-month period from September to April.
“It was an honor to be asked to host this group,” said Antaran. “And it’s easy to see why these students were admitted into this prestigious program. Each was very impressive, asking great, insightful questions.
“I have no doubt they’ll be extremely successful in their chosen fields.”
CARROT CEO Michael Antaran addresses some of the students from Leadership OU.
More about Leadership OU can be found at http://www.oualumni.com/s/1001/1001-alumni/indextabs.aspx?sid=1001&gid=1001&pgid=1224.